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iPhone 16 Case's - Now Available!

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    Shipping & Returns


    *Due to COVID-19 deliveries can be delayed. If longer than 20 working days, please get in contact with us.*

    Delays are to be expected, please contact us if you experience late delivery.

    UK: We aim to ship the product as fast as possible however, dispatch times may vary with delivery also between 4-10 working days.

    International: We aim to ship the product as fast as possible however, dispatch times may vary. Delivery is estimated at 6-14 working days.

    All orders will be shipped with tracking numbers from the selected courier.

    Delivery times are not guaranteed. The timings stated are simply estimates based off of previous orders and customer feedback. 

    Returns & Exchanges:

    United kingdom:

    In order to be eligible for a product exchange you will need to return the product within 7 working days of delivery. The product has to be shipped back to the return address in the same packaging with the product being in the same condition it was received in.

    Here at Hype Garments™ we believe highly in customer satisfaction, if you are unhappy with the quality of the item we can reissue you a new case free of charge. Or, if you happen to discover a case on our website that you happen to desire, you can let our team know and we will get everything sorted for you!

    We do not Accept Refunds if the item is "Not wanted" or if it "does not serve any use" If your product was damaged during transit, you will need to contact us and we will assess the situation. All products are shipped in protective packaging to ensure the customer receives the product as displayed on the website.

    To apply for a return/exchange, please email us!


    Unfortunately, we are yet to implement returns for outside of the UK. Unless your item is damaged in transit & you can prove this, we are unable to offer any type of refund or exchange. in the event you decide to want to exchange your item, we can offer you a 50% off discount for your next item. If you are looking for this option, please contact us.


    If you would like to cancel your order, you will need to do so within 1 hour of ordering. Otherwise, this option will not be available to you. 

    If anything is unclear or you have any questions feel free to contact us.